I liked the General Result of yuor character, but I think you're recycling so much resources on your projects.
I feel that you are rushing projects in order to launch them.
problems noted:
There is no read-me to explain the list of commands.
Many animations and effects are done very simply, could be much improved.
As the effect of the intro, gives a very large number of Tics every frame Anim, and is easy to see the flaw in the displacement of animation.
There is only one Intro and Win?
There Bugs some bugs in sound effects. (Not always play)
Only one palette?
The IA is very limited and very repetitive blows, certain techniques, only appear if the player itself play on it's own. as an enemy, rarely uses.
The sound of the blows are fairly repetitive, add a Random on your Play to make them more lively.
System Combabilidade/Combat is to simple, and not very effective compared to more complete/Full characters.
What you could do to update vegito:
The effect of the Sword of Light should be white and thinner. (Looks more like a Beam)
do the intro with Tics per milisecond, and enhance the effects of it.
Arrange all the character, and add more details.
Add Combination sounds to vary him and let' it more livelly.
add more intros and wins?
Pallets,.. obvios.
anyway, congratuçations, and good luck. (i hope, my english doesn't suck at all)